
Accelerate your test execution by 10x and reduce your cloud execution cost by 5x with DigyKube

250 Test cases in under 3 mins - Execution Scalability that never existed

DigyKube - Industry’s First Dynamic and Scalable Browser Farm

DigyKube is the industry’s first commercial browser farm with the cutting-edge technology to run 250+ concurrent test runs in under 3 minutes. Accelerated testing, delivers operational efficiency with the fastest quality testing and results in reducing operational costs by 10X. With the integration of Test Development, Testing Management, Testing Frameworks, Code Repository, Cloud Farm, Testing Reports, and CI/CD, it simplifies the entire Cloud Automation Testing process.

commercial browser farm


On-Demand Scaling

Advanced DigyKube BYOC farms are highly flexible and automatically change after every test run. It scales up to limitless concurrent testing.

Affordable Solution

One-time product license fee along with customized pricing based on the features you use.

Integrated Dashboard

Run all your test execution logs, browser logs, video logs, and test failures and use the integrated dashboard to identify test failures quickly.

Flexible Integration

Flexibility to choose between Digy4’s cloud and your own cloud for thousands of concurrent browser runs.

browser farm

First ever commercial browser farm in your own cloud

Each DigyKube grid is equipped to run 250+ test cases concurrently while the DigyKube farms facilitate thousands of browser tests concurrently.
DigyKube allows you to run 250 tests in under 3 minutes, reducing the cost of the entire automation runtime by 1/10th.
A unified dashboard quickly displays all the test failures to deliver faster quality testing by isolating the flaky tests from the easy tests.
A comprehensive framework of review, analysis, and testing which is efficient and uninfluenced to highlight any software flaws.

CI / CD & Framework

With its ability to be compatible with build systems like Bamboo, Jenkins, GitHub Actions etc., DigyKube is the industry’s fastest end-to-end cloud testing browser farm. Features such as selenium frameworks and playwright make DigyKube an excellent software testing solution with minimal integration requirements.
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